2019-ben játszott játékok listája
írta: zogmund
Közzétéve: January 5, 2019 at 12:00 PM
Egy folyamatosan (vagy legalábbis idén :-)) frissülő lista a 2019-ben játszott játékaimról ABC sorrendben.
- 7 Wonders Duel
- Activity
- Alhambra
- Animals on Board
- Aquaretto
- BANG! The Dice Game
- Boggle
- Captain Sonar
- Carcassonne
- Carcassonne: The Discovery
- Catan
- Catan Card Game
- Caverna: The Cave Farmers
- Century: Eastern Wonders
- Century: Spice Road
- Citadels
- Codenames
- Codenames: Duett
- Codenames: Pictures
- Cryptid
- Crossfire
- Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game
- Dixit
- Dixit: Odyssey
- Dominion
- Dominion: Intrigue
- Dooble
- Dungeon Petz
- El Grande
- Escape
- Fauna
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue
- Forbidden Desert
- ForSale
- Goa
- Good Cop Bad Cop
- Imperial Settlers
- Jaipur
- Keyflower
- Kingdomino
- Laser Chess
- Last Letter
- Loony Quest
- Love Letters
- Mage Knight Board Game
- Mission: Red Planet
- Niagara
- Orléans
- Pandemic
- Panic Lab
- Photosynthesis
- Planet
- Puerto Rico
- Revolution!
- Race for the Galaxy
- Rhino Hero
- Risk
- Rivals for Catan
- Robinson Crusoe: Adventures ont he Cursed Island
- Robot Turtles
- Rummikub
- Sagrada
- Santo Domingo
- Scythe
- Shadows over Camelot
- Small World
- Spookies
- Spyfall
- Stone Age
- Stratego
- Space Alert
- Survive: Escape from Atlantis
- Terra Mystica
- The Chameleon
- The Lord of The Rings: The Card Game
- The Magic Labyrinth
- The Resistance: Avalon
- The Voyages of Marco Polo
- This War of Mine: The Board Game
- Troyes
- Wingspan
- Wooly Wars
- World Monuments
- Ys
- Zooloretto
One Year Challenge 2019 Összegzés